Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Bridge Project

Day 1

Remembering & Understanding

Vocabulary:        Describe, Recognize, Find, Locate

                                Interpret, Explain, Summarize

Objective:           Students will locate, describe, interpret, and summarize the basic structure of a bridge based on informational texts provided.

Day 2

Applying & Analyzing

                Vocabulary:        Illustrate, examine, classify

                                                Compare, Contrast

Objective:           Students will illustrate their plans to create their own bridge structure. Students will be given the opportunity to examine other groups’ plans to compare and contrast structures and make recommendations based on their research.

Day 3

Evaluate & Create

                Vocabulary:        Recommend, Justify, Assess

                                                Create, Invent, Design, Construct

Objective:           Students will continue to justify their plans for a bridge. Students will create/construct a bridge from toothpicks and marshmallows that will hold a matchbox car.




·         Set parameters for bridge (must be 12” in length with the highest point at least 2” from the ground)

·         Vocabulary is thoroughly explained prior to meeting each daily objective.

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